Church Bulletin

  • Welcome to worship! May we all be fed by God’s Word and sacrament as we gather in this faith community.  If you are unable to attend, our services are live-streamed or available later at our on-line sites listed below.

Contact Information

Pastor’s Office Hours:  10:30 – 2:00 PM  Wednesdays       

Church Phone:   359-2505 

Pastor Lauers Phone:     507-304-2402

Facebook:   ImmanuelCourtland

Church Office E-Mail address:

School & Church web site: 

To Live-Stream the service:\YouTubelive

***Please welcome Pastor Paul Lauer, from Lake Crystal, MN for filling in as our vacancy pastor.

As our vacancy pastor, you may call upon him for pastoral care at any time or in any need by emailing  or by voice call    or    text message to 507-304-2402.

     In case of emergency be sure to CALL as emails and text messages will not be received until the next day.  His office hours will be Wednesdays 10:30–2:00 pm.

Immanuel Lutheran Church, Courtland, MN

Vacancy Pastor:  Rev. Paul Lauer

Principal:  Mr. Dan Erdman

Teachers:   Mr. Mark Dicke, Mrs. Stacy Reinhart, Mrs. Sue Erdman,     _____________

Pre-School Teachers: Mrs. Jillian Van Ness (Tues. & Thurs.),   Cindy Wiederhoeft (Fri.)

Bible School teachers:  Cindy Schultz, Superintendent;  Kathy Blank, Abby Havemeier, Abby Voges

Mission Statement: 

“We teach God’s true Word, grow in Christ-centered faith, and serve, sharing God’s love.”


The Lord’s Supper

is a special celebration of the Gospel of God’s love, forgiveness, and salvation. This sacred meal is for those who repent of their sins, believe in Jesus as their Savior, and who hunger and thirst for God’s righteousness. Communion is also a holy union of God with His people and His people with each other. VISITORS who are members of LC-MS congregations are welcome to commune with us. Other visitors please check with Pastor before communing with us, or consult with blue folder in the pew Bibles for more info.     ****Communion is celebrated the first and third Sundays of each month. During the summer we also celebrate on the corresponding Saturday evenings of these first and third Sundays at 6:30 PM.

July 28, 2024 10th Sunday after Pentecost


Order of Worship:        LSB   Pg.  151


Scripture Readings:    Genesis 9:8-17     Ephesians 3:14-21     Mark 6:45-56     


Sermon:       “Who do you think you are dealing with?”      Mark 6:45-56     


Hymns:           809,    849,    806 (during offering),    735


Our Prayer Requests include: 

  • For Brad Bode, who is now residing at Woodstone Senior Living in New Ulm.
  • For Madelaine & Danny Lloyd and Ephraim as they welcome, son and brother, Malachi, born July 13, (9lb. 6oz.)
  • For an outpouring of God’s Holy Spirit on the Church.
  • For grace to develop our relationship with Jesus Christ and share Him with others.
  • For the nation of Israel and peace in our world.

Welcome to Worship, where the Lord feeds us with His Word and shelters us in His love. Visitors please sign our guest register and come again soon.  Children, please help your selves to a Bible Busy Bag in the nursery, and a Children’s Weekly Busy Bulletin, next to the adult bulletins.



SUN–            10:30     AM     Sunday Morning Service

                       11:40     AM    Quarterly Voters Meeting

MON —           5:00       PM    Elders meet


SAT —              6:30       PM   Saturday Evening Service w/communion

SUN —           10:30       AM  Sunday Morning Service w/communion                                                                           


  1. Worship attendance Saturday Evening Service 07/20/24  —  18
  2. Loose plate offering – $36.00, Mission Offering – $.00
  3. Worship attendance Sunday Morning Service 07/21/24  —  146
  4. Loose plate offering – $185.25, Mission Offering – $220.00
  5. Bi-weekly budget needs – $21,326.92; Money from General Envelopes – $13,404.00
    1.                                    SERVING THE LORD IN OUR SERVICES

      1. Elder: Jeff Griebel  –  (507) 276-4409
      2. Head Ushers: Travis Vogel 

            Assistant Head Usher:     Ethan Goff

      1. Greeters:   July  28 –  Don Thompson & Brenda VerCautern

                                August  3 –  Mark & Angie Voges family

                                August  4 –  Linda Voges

      1. Organist/Pianist: Carlotta Ohm 
      2. AV Coordinator: Vicky Harmening
      3. AV Operators:      July  28  —  Kathy Green

                                         August  3 -– Glenda Beeck

                                         August  4 —  Vicky Harmening

      1. Altar Volunteers for July: Melva Griebel
      2. Next committee to serve at funerals – #1


*****><*****><*****><*****><***** Dear Members of Immanuel, Warm greetings to all of you from sunny South Dakota! Our hearts are overflowing with gratitude to the Lord God and to you for the blessed retirement celebration held at Immanuel on June 30th. It was such a precious and inspiring time! Special thanks to all who planned and shared in that day. Our move west went very well on July 1st. We are thankful to Ryan Bode and the rest of the moving crew for moving our earthly treasures safely and successfully. We are thoroughly enjoying our new home in Madison. S-l-o-w-l-y we are getting everything settled and organized. It has also taken us 3 weeks to read through all the wonderful cards we received for our retirement. It will take us a few weeks longer to get personal thank you notes out. May the Lord continue to shine on you with His love and grace. Gratefully, Rev. Wayne & Donna Bernau. P.S. Don’t forget to visit us at 1414 Hampton Court when you are out this way! Call ahead (507-766-4395) to make sure we are here and ready for you. *****><*****><*****><*****><*****


  1. Today, on the Lutheran Hour we listen to LH Speaker, Rev. Dr. Michael Zeigler as he presents to us a message based from II Kings 5:4  titled,  “Thus and So Spoke the Girl from Israel.”   Jesus is making His people into a light for a world that’s crying for help. He came to make God’s light shine on us so that all people might see the face of God.      Next week’s message is titled, “Jesus’ Resurrection: God’s Public Guarantee”.      Listen to The Lutheran Hour at   6:05 am Sunday, on WCCO – Minneapolis 830  or  listen on your computer:
  1. Today, let us welcome Rev. Dennis O’Neill, retired and also a member of Our Saviors Church in Mankato, for filling in for Pastor Lauer. Pastor Lauer tested positive for covid this past week. We wish him a speedy recovery.
  1. TODAY, the Quarterly Voters Meeting will take place following the service. There will be beverages and snacks provided by the Men’s Club. Free will offerings will go towards the charities they support.  Please find a place to sit so our meeting can start shortly thereafter.


  1. DONORS NEEDED! Upcoming blood drive on Wed., August 7 from 12:00 to 6:00 PM at Nicollet Community American Legion. Please call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or VISIT Red Cross Blood. Org and enter:  Nicollet    to schedule an appointment.  Come give blood in August for a $20 Gift Card by email.  QR code on the ad in the entryway. 
  1. A LARGE PRINT Portals of Prayer book is available to anyone who would like one.  Please let Pastor or the church secretary know if you or anyone you know could use it.
  1. We invite you to lift your voices in song with the worship team on Sunday, August 18th. Songs include:  King of Kings, Graves into Gardens, Heart of Worship, and Come to the Altar.

7.    Going into the 2024 – 2025 school year we have a few positions to fill!  We are looking for another lunch delivery person!  This would be 1-3 days per week (your choice), pays $30 each time. Time is roughly 11-12:30.  Questions?  Please talk with Cindy Schultz or Sue Erdman.

    Also we are looking for a 5th and 6th grade teacher.

    Next, we are looking for a part time janitor. This is a paid position and hours are flexible according to schedules.

    Our preschool group continues to be big again this year! We are always looking for volunteers to assist any days or hours possible!

    Contact Mr. Erdman for Janitor and teacher possibilities! We hope that you will keep all of these openings in your prayers!  Thank you!



  1. Our 11th annual 5K will be back at ILS this year! The race/walk will be held

Sunday, August 18th at 12:00 noon at school!

We will also continue the meal for the congregation after church that day and for the walker/runners! Please use the sign up forms in your mailboxes to help advertise this great event!

There are extra forms on the counter also.  We hope many will come out to walk/run this year!

All proceeds go to the tuition assistance fund.


Contact  Sue Erdman, Jodi Goff, or Jaime Kirtz


Can’t make it the day of the walk/race, that is ok!

There are still two extra ways to support the effort.

* Stay after church for a $10.00 meal sponsored by Thrivent!

Also, individuals, families, and businesses are welcome to be a sponsor for the 5K!  Return the sponsorship form by July 26 to have your name on the back of the shirt!

Thank you for your support!


Scrip is simply a word that means “substitute money”;  in other words, Scrip cards are gift cards from national and local retailers. They are the same gift cards that you buy at the store. Many popular retailers participate in our Scrip program, including Kwik Trip, BP Gas, Subway, Wal-Mart, Target, Cub Foods, Hy Vee Foods, and many, many others (over 600!).

You’re probably asking yourself how these stores help us raise money. It’s simple: Scrip participating retailers agree to sell gift cards to our organization at a discount. Member families like yours buy the cards for full face value, redeem them for full face value, and our school keeps the difference as revenue. 

The beauty of Scrip is that you put your regular household shopping dollars to work. You earn money for our school without spending a single additional penny. Just spend your regular shopping dollars with Scrip at the stores that participate in the Scrip program! 

Do you purchase groceries or fuel for your vehicle? Need a birthday, anniversary, or thank you gift?  SCRIP cards are a quick and easy way to purchase everyday items while earning fundraising dollars for our church and school.

Scrip is exciting because everybody wins: the retailer gets cash up front and repeat business, you get a powerful fundraising alternative that involves no selling, our school gets a regular source of revenue.

Contact Becky Wills at 952-334-3593 for details and instructions on how to order.  Orders will be placed twice a month on the 1st and 3rd weekends.  Order forms can be placed in the SCRIP box located in the greeting card cabinet or given to Becky.

Thank you for supporting our Church and School through SCRIP!!